Happy Saturday everyone!
Had a great day here in Hawaii, was a cloudy day. Didn't see the sun once. Sometimes though these are the best days! Me and my mom got up and got dressed and then headed down to the club for breakfast. Had some cereal and berries and then we went to Zumba. It's my most favorite part of the week! They have a new instructor here though, but luckily she seems nice and has some fun different songs. The old instructor was the best and we miss her. After Zumba we came back up to the house and sat in the hot tub all day. It was a great day!
Tonight they are having a party down at the beach club with dinner and a band. This week was kukio's men's and women's golf tournament and this is the end of the week party. We didn't play in the golf tournament but anyone can go to the party, it's not a "golf party". I'm pretty excited as everyone says the band is really good. I'll let u know more tomorrow!!
Speaking of tomorrow, my dad gets to town!! Really excited for him to get here.
Ok, gotta go get ready for the party, talk to u all later!!
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
3.1.12 hawaii
Hey everyone!
Well I am in Hawaii now! So glad to be here, yes I am writing this by the pool. I figured I had a little time until the hot tub heated up (r u jealous yet???). Haha. Well, I had quite the adventure getting here. I actually left Omaha last Wednesday, but didnt get here until Thursday. Let me back up......my flight was supposed to leave Omaha around noon. David was gonna work from home and then drive me to the airport around ten. So I got up, showered, threw a few things in my carry on (I had nothing to pack bc I have clothes, makeup, etc. all over here), checked my flight online and then headed to the airport. When I got to the counter the lady looked at me like I was dumb and said,"did u not know ur flight was cancelled?". Well obviously NOT!!! Dumb question. I then asked a million questions and the reality hit that this was going to be an even longer day then I had planned! The cancellation of the flight was due to winds in Denver, not even snow! Well, the crazy thing was that they cancelled my noon flight, but had only delayed the 10:30 flight. So I was booked on that flight no problem and things were looking up.
Made it to Denver to find out my flight to San Fran was delayed an hour - this may sound like no biggie, but I only had an hour in between flights there! I got to the counter and they said it should be no problem, they would hold the plane bc there r 16 ppl on my flight needing to catch the kona flight! Again, things r looking up! I headed to McDonald's then to grab some lunch (obviously!) and hung out at the gate. We boarded the plane right when they said (and I got upgraded to first class!) so my day was working out perfect. On the plane I text everyone saying my connection is tight, so u won't hear from me until I land in kona, and then we start to take off. The plane is full speed ahead, about to lift up any second, and we SLAM on the breaks. Yes, this was a little scary. I have had aborted landings, but never a takeoff! I knew I was doomed. The pilot came on and said they got a wind sheer warning and had to abort - problem being the breaks and wheels r too hot to take off again! Aghhhhh!!! We had to go back to the gate so a mechanic could tell us when it was safe to go again, not to mention the run way was all backed up bc all kinds of planes were off schedule.
Well, we finally made it to San Fran and had to go to a hotel for the night. They booked me on a flight first thing the next morning. As I was leaving the customer service counter, with my new boarding passes in hand (which, were no longer first class....a story though for another day b/c I did end up getting upgraded last minute!), I found a friend who had been on my Denver flight, who was holding all the same paper work as me and getting out her cell phone to call to find a hotel room (which was NOT being paid for by the airline - I understand that their policy is if its weather related they don't pay - but come on people - we were about to TAKE OFF and had to abort a take off). I asked my new friend (who was like my mom's age) if she was on the Kona flight, she said yes, and I asked her to hand me her phone when she was done booking so I could just go to the same hotel as her. Anyways, $150 later on my credit card I was at the Embassey Suites in San Fran. It was nice to have a friend to find the shuttle to the hotel with, and meet in the morning. Needless to say, it was a VERY long day and I didn't get here until 12:30 the next day. I have many stories I can tell you about this trip, but will save them for another day as to not bore you =)
Thank you all for reading!
Well I am in Hawaii now! So glad to be here, yes I am writing this by the pool. I figured I had a little time until the hot tub heated up (r u jealous yet???). Haha. Well, I had quite the adventure getting here. I actually left Omaha last Wednesday, but didnt get here until Thursday. Let me back up......my flight was supposed to leave Omaha around noon. David was gonna work from home and then drive me to the airport around ten. So I got up, showered, threw a few things in my carry on (I had nothing to pack bc I have clothes, makeup, etc. all over here), checked my flight online and then headed to the airport. When I got to the counter the lady looked at me like I was dumb and said,"did u not know ur flight was cancelled?". Well obviously NOT!!! Dumb question. I then asked a million questions and the reality hit that this was going to be an even longer day then I had planned! The cancellation of the flight was due to winds in Denver, not even snow! Well, the crazy thing was that they cancelled my noon flight, but had only delayed the 10:30 flight. So I was booked on that flight no problem and things were looking up.
Made it to Denver to find out my flight to San Fran was delayed an hour - this may sound like no biggie, but I only had an hour in between flights there! I got to the counter and they said it should be no problem, they would hold the plane bc there r 16 ppl on my flight needing to catch the kona flight! Again, things r looking up! I headed to McDonald's then to grab some lunch (obviously!) and hung out at the gate. We boarded the plane right when they said (and I got upgraded to first class!) so my day was working out perfect. On the plane I text everyone saying my connection is tight, so u won't hear from me until I land in kona, and then we start to take off. The plane is full speed ahead, about to lift up any second, and we SLAM on the breaks. Yes, this was a little scary. I have had aborted landings, but never a takeoff! I knew I was doomed. The pilot came on and said they got a wind sheer warning and had to abort - problem being the breaks and wheels r too hot to take off again! Aghhhhh!!! We had to go back to the gate so a mechanic could tell us when it was safe to go again, not to mention the run way was all backed up bc all kinds of planes were off schedule.
Well, we finally made it to San Fran and had to go to a hotel for the night. They booked me on a flight first thing the next morning. As I was leaving the customer service counter, with my new boarding passes in hand (which, were no longer first class....a story though for another day b/c I did end up getting upgraded last minute!), I found a friend who had been on my Denver flight, who was holding all the same paper work as me and getting out her cell phone to call to find a hotel room (which was NOT being paid for by the airline - I understand that their policy is if its weather related they don't pay - but come on people - we were about to TAKE OFF and had to abort a take off). I asked my new friend (who was like my mom's age) if she was on the Kona flight, she said yes, and I asked her to hand me her phone when she was done booking so I could just go to the same hotel as her. Anyways, $150 later on my credit card I was at the Embassey Suites in San Fran. It was nice to have a friend to find the shuttle to the hotel with, and meet in the morning. Needless to say, it was a VERY long day and I didn't get here until 12:30 the next day. I have many stories I can tell you about this trip, but will save them for another day as to not bore you =)
Thank you all for reading!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
I am going to start this post off by saying I LOVED THE MOVIE THE VOW!! Me and my sister went and saw it tonight, and it was so so so so so good. It had a great story, it was cute, had great actors, it was sad, it was happy - it was seriously so good. If you are looking for something to do, go see the movie. I actually think David might like it once he sat down and watched it - although he would probably never admit it. =)
Ok, so let me back up. I started the day off by waking up to snow outside and having to go to the dentist. (do you see why I started this post off with a movie review now??). Luckily - no cavities! Then I came home and ruined my perfectly white teeth with a cup of coffee. Did my usual morning routine then of checking my facebook, returning a few emails, and watching The Today Show. After that I ran to the hardware store to grab something David needed and then went to Petsmart to get some cat stuff for Kona and Enzo. We are in the process of moving the litter boxes and food and water bowls to the basement. We think it might help to keep the upstairs cleaner. I was hoping to find some kind of mat to put under the litter box, so when the cats jump out it will contain the litter that they kick out. Of course the one I wanted to get was the most expensive one - typical. Then I met my aunt for lunch at Spirit World and ran to the mall to get some cookies to take to the movie theatre for me and my sister! Of course I had to stop and shop at Von Maur and Bath and Body - but surprisingly I bought nothing. This is the new "Kathryn on a budget" =) Then I came home and went to the movie. So that brings me to this moment - I just finished moving all the cat stuff downstairs and debating what show to put on from my dvr. =)
Not sure if I will have time to post since tomorrow is Valentines Day and we are going out tomorrow night - but if I don't I will be sure to post on Wednesday!
Thanks for reading!
Kath =)
Ok, so let me back up. I started the day off by waking up to snow outside and having to go to the dentist. (do you see why I started this post off with a movie review now??). Luckily - no cavities! Then I came home and ruined my perfectly white teeth with a cup of coffee. Did my usual morning routine then of checking my facebook, returning a few emails, and watching The Today Show. After that I ran to the hardware store to grab something David needed and then went to Petsmart to get some cat stuff for Kona and Enzo. We are in the process of moving the litter boxes and food and water bowls to the basement. We think it might help to keep the upstairs cleaner. I was hoping to find some kind of mat to put under the litter box, so when the cats jump out it will contain the litter that they kick out. Of course the one I wanted to get was the most expensive one - typical. Then I met my aunt for lunch at Spirit World and ran to the mall to get some cookies to take to the movie theatre for me and my sister! Of course I had to stop and shop at Von Maur and Bath and Body - but surprisingly I bought nothing. This is the new "Kathryn on a budget" =) Then I came home and went to the movie. So that brings me to this moment - I just finished moving all the cat stuff downstairs and debating what show to put on from my dvr. =)
Not sure if I will have time to post since tomorrow is Valentines Day and we are going out tomorrow night - but if I don't I will be sure to post on Wednesday!
Thanks for reading!
Kath =)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Hey Everyone!
Well, the weekend is almost over and I am sitting here watching the Grammy's and thought I should let you all in on how my weekend was! As always, the weekend went by wayyy to fast. David got home from Sioux Falls on Friday night around 5ish and then he headed to the gym. I was over at my mom's house with my sister and aunt having a glass (or two.....) of wine and having girl talk of course. My sister went and picked up pizza from la casa for everyone, so that was awesome. Then I came home and sat and talked with David while he ate some of the La Casa pizza and watched tv. I headed to bed pretty early. The next morning I had to get up at 6:30 to take my mom to the airport. I was back home by about 7:30 and went back to sleep for a bit. When I got up I cleaned a few things around the house, took a shower, and then we headed to the Creighton basketball game. David was going with some people that he works with, so that was fun. We had a few beers and I got a cheeseburger. I am not a huge Creighton fan - or a huge basketball fan I guess - but I do think its a lot of fun to go to those games. They are quick and don't take up much of your day or night. I think it would be fun if David got season tickets - or went in with some friends to get tickets to those games. Oh - I forgot to mention that we had to park a mile away and that it was like 2 degrees outside - so that was awesome. Then we came home and watched a little bit of tv and then headed to Old Chicago. David got some dinner and I drank the 2 beers I needed to finish my mini tour. After that we headed home and went to bed. Today - I literally did NOTHING and watched tv ALL day. It was awesome. I watched some of my favorite shows on my dvr - like teen mom, jersey shore, biggest looser, parenthood. Yes, I have great taste in tv shows. ha ha. I did take an hour break and went to the gym and worked out for 45 minutes. So, I did at least get out of the house and off the couch. Came home and heated up some chili and now I am back on the couch watching the Grammys. Is it weird that I am excited to see the reunion of the Beach Boys??? Ok, enough for today! =)
Thanks for reading!
Well, the weekend is almost over and I am sitting here watching the Grammy's and thought I should let you all in on how my weekend was! As always, the weekend went by wayyy to fast. David got home from Sioux Falls on Friday night around 5ish and then he headed to the gym. I was over at my mom's house with my sister and aunt having a glass (or two.....) of wine and having girl talk of course. My sister went and picked up pizza from la casa for everyone, so that was awesome. Then I came home and sat and talked with David while he ate some of the La Casa pizza and watched tv. I headed to bed pretty early. The next morning I had to get up at 6:30 to take my mom to the airport. I was back home by about 7:30 and went back to sleep for a bit. When I got up I cleaned a few things around the house, took a shower, and then we headed to the Creighton basketball game. David was going with some people that he works with, so that was fun. We had a few beers and I got a cheeseburger. I am not a huge Creighton fan - or a huge basketball fan I guess - but I do think its a lot of fun to go to those games. They are quick and don't take up much of your day or night. I think it would be fun if David got season tickets - or went in with some friends to get tickets to those games. Oh - I forgot to mention that we had to park a mile away and that it was like 2 degrees outside - so that was awesome. Then we came home and watched a little bit of tv and then headed to Old Chicago. David got some dinner and I drank the 2 beers I needed to finish my mini tour. After that we headed home and went to bed. Today - I literally did NOTHING and watched tv ALL day. It was awesome. I watched some of my favorite shows on my dvr - like teen mom, jersey shore, biggest looser, parenthood. Yes, I have great taste in tv shows. ha ha. I did take an hour break and went to the gym and worked out for 45 minutes. So, I did at least get out of the house and off the couch. Came home and heated up some chili and now I am back on the couch watching the Grammys. Is it weird that I am excited to see the reunion of the Beach Boys??? Ok, enough for today! =)
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Thank You!
Thank you to all my new readers! I will be posting more this weekend! In the mean time - try to stay warm! =)
Friday, February 10, 2012
I'm back!
Well, its been about a year since my last blog post! I am not really sure why I decided to start blogging again - I have been encouraged to do so by my Dad and my sister - so thank you for being interested in my writing. A LOT has happened in that year time frame - wayyy too much to type in a single blog post. But I am back and promise to be faithful about writing updates! May not be daily, but hopefully a couple times a week I will update you on what I am up too. So what has been going on in my world since my last post? My sister got married, I turned 30, I quit my job at BBW, went to Hawaii a couple times, had great holidays, went to husker games - just to name a few =) As I go forward and have nothing to write about I will touch on a few of those events and try to share a few pictures!
So what am I up to this weekend?? It's a pretty calm weekend for us. David is on his way back home from Sioux Falls and I am sure he will go work out and then we will just hang out and get caught up on our dvr. We may go to Old Chicago as I am 2 beers away from completing this mini tour and 3 beers away from completing my FOURTH TOUR! I know, how cool is that? ha ha. Tomorrow we are going to the Creighton game with some people from his work and then probably going to dinner or something. Not looking forward to the temperatures the next few days either!
Ok, don't want to bore my readers on my first post back after my absense. So until my next post....
Thanks for reading! =)
So what am I up to this weekend?? It's a pretty calm weekend for us. David is on his way back home from Sioux Falls and I am sure he will go work out and then we will just hang out and get caught up on our dvr. We may go to Old Chicago as I am 2 beers away from completing this mini tour and 3 beers away from completing my FOURTH TOUR! I know, how cool is that? ha ha. Tomorrow we are going to the Creighton game with some people from his work and then probably going to dinner or something. Not looking forward to the temperatures the next few days either!
Ok, don't want to bore my readers on my first post back after my absense. So until my next post....
Thanks for reading! =)
![]() |
Me in Hawaii |
Me and Tricia in Hawaii |
Me and David on Thanksgiving |
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