Hey everyone! Hopefully people are still following my blog even though I have been absent from posting in awhile! I have to start by saying what a GREAT Christmas this was! Does anyone ever feel like some years its a really great holiday and other years its just so so? Last year was one of those years - not because we didn't get great presents, or spend lots of time with family but we were leaving town the next day and we spent the whole holiday rushing around getting ready to leave town. On top of it, there was a blizzard and 2 feet of snow, so we were nervous about getting to the airport, and missing our flights, etc. Well, I just knew this Christmas was going to be a good one! I just had a feeling. Boy was I right!! Christmas Eve, we went to church at 3 and then went to a Christmas party. I wasn't checking my phone at all because I didn't think anyone would be calling me! When I got to my parents I ran upstairs to say "Hi" to Tricia (she didn't come to church and the party because she had to work!) and give her these cake pops I got at the party for her! Well, forget the Cake Pops - SHE GOT ENGAGED!!! It was so exciting! I could type this entire blog about all the wedding planning we have already done but we will get to that another time! I will finish up the holidays first! =)
Christmas eve was a blast. It was so fun seeing how excited Tricia was and calling all her friends and family. My Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, cousin and all my family was there for dinner and presents then! We had our usual Christmas dinner of beef tenderloin, twice baked potatoes, and asparagus caserole. It was the best dinner! Although I am probably biased - but my mom is the best cook in the world! We had cookies that me and my mom had made and they were the best cookies we have ever made - did I mention that I just knew this Christmas was going to be a good one???!!! =) After dinner we exchanged gifts and then sat around and talked and had a few drinks. It was a perfect night.
The next morning we got up and went over to my parents and opened presents. Its always fun to open presents and see everyone's reaction to their gifts. I will post some pictures here soon - but my dad's reaction to his gifts is the best. He had a theme this year - everything was either golf or husker related. I think he liked all his gifts except the old man husker sweater we got him - ha ha ha, he said he liked the one David got better and hated his. Hopefully I have a picture of both these sweaters to show cause it was so funny! =) You are right dad, David's was much cooler than yours! =) After presents we went over to Anderson's for more fun! We had our traditional "Christmas Margaritas" and had lunch and then opened presents. We watched some home movies of David and Emily when they were little and it was SO cute to see them as kids. I really enjoyed watching the home movies!
Overall it was a great Christmas!! Thank you everyone for all the fun gifts! Will post some pictures from Christmas soon!
Thanks for reading!
Kath =)
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