What a great weekend! Unfortunately this weekend is ending with helping David pack for a work trip =( Couldn't be worse timing! He is going to be gone most of this week, and then I leave for Hawaii a week from tomorrow and am going to be gone almost 3 weeks! So it really feels like I am not going to be seeing him much for the next month. I'm trying to not think of it that way though. Crazy to think that when I get back home from Hawaii it's going to be Thanksgiving time!
My dad eating a breadstick at Dantes |
Yesterday I ended up not having to work (probably slow cause the Husker game was going on). So me and David watched the football game and then went to Rockbrook Camera to look at digital cameras. I have been wanting a really nice camera and the people there were very helpful. I think I found the one I want to get and David is going to give it to me as a birthday/christmas gift so I can get a super nice one! I am really excited to get it! Then last night we went to Dante's pizza with my parents and sister. It was really fun to try a new restaurant. I don't think my dad liked it very much - but anyone who knows him and his eating habits, shouldn't be surprised. (sorry dad - but its true!) LOL After dinner then it wasn't too late so me and David decided to go have 1 more drink - which turned into 3, ha ha ha, but it was fun. We started watching the Oklahoma/Mizzou game so that kept us there.
Anyways, it was a great weekend! Usually every Sunday night during the football season me and David go to Old Chicago for pizza and beer and watch football so kinda stinks he is leaving town and we can't do that! Have a super busy week ahead getting ready to leave town for 3 weeks, so I will try to blog as much as I can!
Thanks for reading!
Kathryn =)
Love that you're blogging:). Anyway, that Mizzou game was awesome! I went and watched it too with my alumni association and everyone was super happy! I don't know who I'll cheer for next week when Mizzou plays Nebraska...