Patricia, Emily, Kath at Charlestons |
What a crazy busy week! So much going on! I swear every time before I leave town there are a million things to do! I got an email from Emily with pictures from her birthday so I am including those in this post! On Sunday night Emily invited me to her birthday dinner with her girlfriends and it was a blast! We went to Charlestons - and I LOVE Charlestons! She gave us the cutest "party favors"too - I hadn't thought about birthday party favors in years! It had candy, nail polish, and hand sanitizer! So cute. It was really fun to celebrate her birthday this weekend!
Patricia and Kath |
Yesterday ended up being an awesome day. I got up and tried to get some stuff cleaned up around my house and then babysat from 2 to 4. I had showered and got all ready before babysitting because I was a "call in" at work. Considering the last 3 times I had called in, they didn't need me, I was doubtful they would use me but I figured the minute I didn't shower and get ready they would want me to come in. With the call in's, you call in an hour before you are scheduled to see if they need you to come in. I was on the schedule from 6 to 10 so I had to call in at 5 and that wasn't going to leave me much time between babysitting and going in to work if they needed me. Let me back up for a minute - earlier in the day I was emailing Laura (Zachary) Tennant - your married now!!! - we do dinner usually once a week. David works crazy busy hours and is usually home late, and Laura's husband is a fireman and works nights so it works out perfect that we get together for dinner once a week so we both aren't home alone at night - and it helps that we both like to drink wine and eat =) So since this week is insanely busy and we weren't going to be able to do dinner (we always eat the same thing too - chicken in the crock pot...LOL) I had told her that if I didn't work she should come over for dinner! My sister was going to spend the night since david is OOT and we could have a girls night for dinner! It was too late to do crock pot chicken so I thought I would make stir fry chicken. I finished babysitting at 4 and then went to Hy-Vee and got all the stuff to make stir fry chicken (and wine of course!). My mom called me then and said my aunt was coming over and to stop over. So I went over to my mom's house then and thought I would stay there until I had to call in at 5 and then go home and make dinner! Well, I called in at 5 and THEY WANTED ME TO COME IN AND WORK! I was so excited! It totally figured that the last 3 times I called in to work I made no plans and this time, I had made plans for dinner and to have my sister spend the night, and I actually had to go in and work. LOL. So I rushed home and changed clothes - put all the grocery's for stir fry chicken in the fridge and headed to the mall. Work ended up being super fun. It wasn't too busy but I got to help customers, work the cash register, help re-stock the shelves and do all the closing duties. I feel pretty comfortable doing the basic's and by the time the busy holidays come around I am confident I will be a pro =) I get to work again tonight - which is kinda nice since David is out of town right now I have something to do at night.
I think that is all for right now!
Thanks for reading!
Kathryn =)
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