ALOHA!!! Well we made it to Hawaii and what a great couple of days it has been already!!! My mom and I flew out of Omaha on Monday morning and went to Denver and then onto Honolulu. All our flights were on time and other than the flight being long - everything went as planned! We had a few hours lay over in Denver, but to make the time go by quicker we went to our usual favorite "french" restaurant - that isn't "french" at all - but the name is like "le paris" or something and so we always refer to is as the "French" restaurant. LOL. I had the sunrise breakfast which consists of eggs, bacon and pototoes - could life be any better than that??? I slept a majority of the 7 hour and 22 minute flight. I was so tired from a long week before - that combined with 2 dramamine and i was knocked out. I think my mom watched the 2 movies and drank wine - we were both very content. I am so lucky that I have been able to travel to Hawaii so many times, and I never thought I would say this, but I think I am kinda getting used to the 7 hour flight. Each time I come over here it seems to go by quicker and not seem so brutal. Those of you who know me, know that I get VERY motion sick. Like can't even go canoeing motion sick. So for me to say a 7 hour flight isn't bad is huge. The dramamine does help quite a bit and being able to sleep for 3 hours helps a ton. I also love my ipod touch. I loaded a couple tv shoes on there, so that combined with sleeping for 3 hours - we were landing before I knew it!
View of Waikiki Beach from our hotel room |
Drinks at Longhi's |
Once we got to Honolulu we went to the Marriott Waikiki. This is a picture of Waikiki beach from our hotel room. What an awesome view! We got to our hotel room about 4:30 on Monday and checked in really quick and then headed to the Ala Moana shopping center right away! It is about a 10 minute cab right from the Marriott. We were at the Ala Moana by 5pm and didn't waste any time shopping! Our first stop - LULULEMON! I absolutely LOVE lululemon and found some great stuff. Those of you who aren't familiar with Lululemon really should check it out. It's all workout clothes and it's the BEST! I literally wear their workout crops every day and I own a drawer full of their tank tops. When I ran my half marathon this summer I wore all Lulu and I literally can't work out in any other brand. I swear by it. So we shopped a little and then went to Longhi's for dinner. Me and David went to Longhi's in Maui on our honeymoon too. Honestly - when me and David went there it wasn't our favorite restaurant but its me and my mom's most favorite restaurant here. Maybe me and David just ordered the wrong thing the night were were there, but me and my mom love it! They have the best eggplant parmesan. Wait, I should probably back up - we of course started with drinks and this is a picture of the blue martini I ordered. It was so delicious! I think it was called a blueberry drop and it was lemonade, vodka and blue caracao. Yum! After dinner we were so exhausted after flying all day, shopping, eating and drinking - that we headed back to the hotel. We didn't want to go straight to bed so we headed to the hotel bar for one more drink to make ourselves stay awake. The bar at the hotel is so fun. It's right by the hotel pool and over looks the street and Waikiki beach AND they have live music every night. Here is a picture of the guy playing music. We both had one more drink then headed back to the hotel room. We crashed pretty quick.
Live music at the Marriott Waikiki bar |
Tuesday we woke up and took showers and got some coffee and then headed back over to the Ala Moana! We shopped all day and it was a blast! They have a great Nordstroms there. We spent a few hours there and then ate at the Nordstroms cafe for lunch. I could eat lunch there every day, all their food always looks so good! Every time we eat there I have the hardest time deciding what to eat. Mom got some soup, and I got a salad and then we split the ham and cheese panini. We each got a cookie for desert and it was the perfect lunch. We then headed back out to shop more - stopping at White House/Black Market, Neimans, Macy's, Cache, another stop at Lululemon, Nordstroms, and many more! What a great mall!!! By 4:00 we were all out of money and we remembered the night before that Longhi's had a sign up that they had Happy Hour from 4 to 7. So we headed back to Longhi's - bags in tow, for happy hour. We sat at the bar and talked about all the fun things we found that day! We couldn't think of a better way to end the day than with a few drinks and a second night of eating our favorite eggplant parmesan! We were there for a couple hours and then headed back to the Marriott. We didn't think we should go to bed that early so we went for one more drink at the hotel bar and to listen to some more live Hawaiian music. Around 8pm we went back to our room and packed and then headed to bed. What a fun day. We both couldn't stop talking about all the fun stuff we found shopping and what an all around great day it was. Even though we had a great time in Honolulu, we were both excited to get to sleep to wake up and head to the big island. =)
This morning we got up and headed to the airport. It was pouring rain in Honolulu so a perfect day to head out. Our flight was scheduled to leave around 10:30am. Its a very quick flight and we were scheduled to land around 11:18. We got to the big island without any problems and got unpacked. It was SO nice to be back at our house, with all our stuff. Really felt like home. It's so different traveling here and not having to stay in a hotel. I feel very lucky and feel right at home here. I miss Omaha, my house, and cats, and David of course - but being here is so peaceful. I can't say it enough, how lucky I feel. We had a great dinner down at Kukio and I am about ready to hit the pillow and crash. I'll update you more tomorrow!
Thanks for reading!
Kath =)