Sorry for being absent from my blog for so long - it's amazing how fast time goes by! I've had a really great week and I can't believe we are closing in on our final week here! My dad get's here on Saturday and I am excited for him to get here!! I think his flight get's in around 4:30 or so on Saturday so we will be waiting for him all day! =)
So this week we have gone to zumba, played golf, sat by the pool, taken walks - its been a great week! The other day when we were leaving zumba and I was walking through the spa shop I saw they had purple capilenes in! I think the people working there thought I was crazy cause I got so excited! I took a couple pictures to show you! I LOVE it!!!!
Me holding my new shirt! |
The weather here the last few days has been kinda weird (Omaha people - trust me, I am NOT complaining because I know its cold there!). But its been overcast and yesterday it was really voggy. It's about 9am right now and it looks pretty voggy out again today - but hopefully it clears up as the day goes on. Not sure what we are going to do today, we had talked about playing golf but I kinda want to start reading that book I got so maybe we will do that instead and take a walk or something. Yesterday I went to cardio circuit class again. It has always been my favorite class but after Sunday's class I wasn't sure if I loved it or hated it cause it was SO hard! Today is the first day my leg's don't hurt every step I take. I told the teacher yesterday I didn't think it was possible for me to do a lunge or squat. So we worked on upper body and core the whole time. My arms are pretty sore today, but not nearly as bad as my leg's have felt the last few days! As most of you know, I workout all the time at home and work out with a trainer on a regular
New purple capilene! |
basis, but I am telling you - nothing compares to the workouts they put together over here. People over here are fitness crazy - to the point I kinda question their sanity at times! People over here run marathons on a whim and every other person you meet is competing or has competed in the Kona Ironman! One guy we know over here has done Ironman like 7x or something crazy like that! So if you think your in shape and want a reality check - workout with someone over here LOL.
I was thinking last night how crazy it is, that when I get back home its going to be Thanksgiving and then my birthday, and then Christmas! I am excited to get home and put up our Christmas tree and get out all our Christmas decorations! I am not looking forward to the snow but I love the holidays! Ok, off to figure out what i am going to do today! Sorry again for being absent from my blog!
Thanks for reading!
Kath =)
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